Misfits to Miracles

I said that I was really tired in 2022, and 2023 was twice of that. Again, not a complaint because I did choose this path anyway. The key again is always being present. 

And being present, I did. Sometimes, to a fault. That’s a lesson too that I will discuss in this 2023 recap.

When I started 2023, I knew that this was some sort of generalist season. For a fan of focus, this was something of a revisiting of old flames. From what I wrote in my year start poster:

“RE-START/RESTART means not abandoning brand and design work, but revisiting the skills I already have. It’s my way of revisiting old loves–writing, photography, and in the process, boosting a holistic creative and designed life.”

That did happen, amazingly, as we said yes to things and endeavors that I tried shunning before because I wanted to just check if I can still do them, and how does it feel to revisit them. And the LORD did just that.

Inasmuch as I didn’t like to use “popular” verses, it was pretty clear that the direction was aligned to what was said in Isaiah:

“Behold, I am doing a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19-20)

Not that I am not believing on new things; it actually excited me. I was thinking about what will these rivers in the desert would look like?

As the trend goes, “And with that, the 2023 season has come to an end”, and here’s my recap.

Ten talks. This might not sound as many as seasoned speakers have. I think the great Francis Kong averages at the range of 200 per year but for me ten has been a record-breaking number for me and to cap it off is first time to be flown and all-expense paid engagement also first time visitor to Bicol. If this is a preview of what we can do if we constantly show up, then I am up for it. But first, I think I need to buy my own luggage.

Freezing frames. There was a point in my career where I was also a wedding photographer. I did dream to be a portrait photographer before but the gigs that went my way was weddings, so I did try my best there. Didn’t fulfill me as much as design and I recognize there are a lot of better ones, so I focused on design. 

This year I got a chance to take one wedding, an intimate one, internationally! Traveling to Singapore AND working? Yes.

You can check the result here. Thanks Zee and Mari for the trust.

CDAP. Back in 2021, I was asked to join the board for Communication Design Association of the Philippines and I said yes. With founders like Jowee Alviar (Team Manila), Angel Guerrero (Adobo Magazine), Dan Matutina (Plus63), AJ Dimarucot, and many esteemed personalities in the local design field, who am I to say no. 

Then last year March, we met in Astbury just for first board meeting after the pandemic, and lo and behold, it became an election and new leaders, Leah Rasay (Husay.Co) as president and me as VP. That was some twist but also what filled some of the schedules I had this year.

And looking forward to what we can do, with recruits Kass Monzon (Workbean), and Therese Valmonte (Globe).

How many words again? I finished journalism back in college but never pursued writing professionally. Yet this year, I was given a chance to write and be published in none other than Adobo Magazine. Well, though this is because of connections, but I guess you can only do this if you are equipped, and present. They wouldn’t trust you if you can’t.  You can read the article here.

Admittedly, I think that this was pushed to confidence because of the amount of writing work I did for the office of the Vice Mayor Joan Villafuerte. Here’s to hoping for more energy to write more again this year.

Plant-caster. Finally decided to be in a new home church, Victory Imus-Lancaster. Though I have mentioned about it last recap, it is this year that I am able to slowly grow some roots by meeting people. It is really a new church, a small one, and a clue here is that I have been appointed as creative head, which by guilt, I am yet to really fulfill the role. But by God’s grace, hopefully, we can create systems within this year.

Misfits to Miracles. This year was my TENTH year as a Christian and that I am truly grateful for. I themed this “Misfits to Miracles because I truly am lost, a misfit, but for Him to give me life is a miracle, and to sustain me to this day is another testament to His goodness.

In celebration of that, I created a personal art that led me to one of my fave projects so far: the DC2023 shirt. That in itself is another miracle that I am truly grateful for. Imagine, that was used by most of the church!

In the end, this year has been super-stretching but in a good way. Most of it my fault because I was double-booking work as if I cannot say no. That was a lesson that came to me over and over this year, to know limits, and what to focus on.

Tiring but fulfilling, but still everything I will account because of God’s grace and nothing else. I did see new things as mentioned earlier, and in ways that I never thought of. I am just a recipient of God’s grace and my role is to be a good steward of the fields He is assigning and giving. 

If Jesus turned water into wine, death into life, and certainly he turned this misfit into a miracle.

Were you LIT UP? Let me know!