Sticky post

Joy in Waiting

Our generation has to be the worst when it comes to waiting. Advancements in society have helped us get faster results, and currently, with artificial intelligence (AI, but I’d like to call it faster algorithmic computation), things have exponentially become faster. Continue reading Joy in Waiting

Misfits to Miracles

I said that I was really tired in 2022, and 2023 was twice of that. Again, not a complaint because I did choose this path anyway. The key again is always being present. 

And being present, I did. Sometimes, to a fault. That’s a lesson too that I will discuss in this 2023 recap. Continue reading Misfits to Miracles

Nothing to prove, no one to Impress


I stumbled upon this article last week about a woman who racked a massive debt of about $20,000 just for her to have Instagram stardom. It was a sad story of our lives, just focused and visualized thru this woman’s life. We’re like living lives with GREAT FACADES, but in reality, BAD FOUNDATIONS.

ESTABLISH– this is the point of this year’s #Discipleship2018 conference attended by about 11,000 Victory group leaders and interns. If last year was about ENGAGE (and I wrote about it too last year) his year’s theme was to establish Biblical foundations which is crucial and important in a leader’s life.

If there are two things that I believe as I write about leadership in this blog is this: 1. That everyone is a leader whether we like it or not, and 2. Because of that, we need to be mindful of our actions because it directly influences the people who follow us. That is the reason why I write about leadership, it is because I know I need to have quality leadership skills for others.

I cannot explain everything that was discussed this year, but good thing is that all the preaching can be found here, but I will be pointing out the one that struck me most. Continue reading “Nothing to prove, no one to Impress”

Kian, 17

At 17, my problems were mostly college subjects, or my tuition fee. Apart from that, I think it is mostly chill and relaxed. At 17, Kian Delos Santos begged for mercy for his life, still thinking of his academics. — I can’t fathom how this could be sustainable. I usually am up for positivity in the leadership blog but this time, I couldn’t bear it much longer. Inasmuch as it pains me, I see this as a leadership issue and pointing at the wrong root. In my limited perspective, I know it is not good to kill. It never will … Continue reading Kian, 17

There is no Plan B

You are Plan A, and there is no plan B. — This was the key takeaway that I got from this year’s Discipleship 2017 held earlier at SM Mall of Asia Arena. This is a gathering of at least 12,000 Victory group leaders and interns to talk about engaging more people to know about Jesus. This is my first time in this kind of gathering and attending as an intern for leading a group of my own (hopefully this Q2) and again, I didn’t prepare much into the details. I do this on purpose so that I come empty and just expecting … Continue reading There is no Plan B

The Natural Law of Respect


I find this post a bit funny because I felt like it was a late reaction, a connected learning from last time’s post.

To expound, in the Head Teacher’s equipping, we had two group exercises that checked our dynamics in working others. Of course, these games aren’t just games but also character and attitude tests for us. How do we cope in working with others, and how do we think and move under pressure. Our group MO-ONE-NA (yes, puns, because we are group ONE), lost the first game but it did help us bond together because of the ‘record-setting’ number of failures in that game.

What’s cool about that is that I am, again, an “outsider” in this group; all of them are head teachers but some of them while even in the same ministry, they don’t know each other because of different schedules, but still, by grace we are bonded.

Come second game, we came out with more strategy, and this is what surprised me: I was nominated as the leader of the group and they told me that they will listen to what I say. That caught me off-guard and I was really hesitant, but because they had confidence in me, I tried my best in directing what to do and amazingly, we won this round (but I don’t think it was because of my leadership, still).

Now let’s pause for a moment to check what just happened. Continue reading “The Natural Law of Respect”

Seeing Design

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There are two school of thoughts that are always in conflict in my head: I knew I can go good graphic design, and second is that I can’t be great. With those premises, I always wanted to teach design but I always had this mentality too that I am not qualified.

I did not finish a graphic design-related course.

I don’t have teaching units, thus automatic disqualification in teaching in schools.

Seeing this, the biggest roadblock to fulfilling this was myself really. Creativity, as I have learned, is not confined to just the arts or design that is seen commercially, but design spills over to the realm of life; on how we will adjust to everything that hinders us. Thus, I Saw Design was born.

Continue reading “Seeing Design”